Clone of Akilla's acserver @

animlist.txt 1.1KB

  1. Animation Numbers:
  2. 05: walk
  3. 07: run
  4. 08: die
  5. 09: tap feet like turning
  6. 0D: turn right
  7. 0F: slide right
  8. 11: die
  9. 12: kneel
  10. 13: sit
  11. 14: lie down
  12. 15: falling
  13. 18: pick up item
  14. 19: scratch back (take out arrow?)
  15. 1a: drink potion
  16. 1b: drink potion
  17. 1c: learn scroll
  18. 3c: punch combat
  19. 3E: dagger combat without shield
  20. 3f: bow combat
  21. 40: dagger combat with shield
  22. 41: crossbow combat
  23. 47: thrown weapons combat
  24. 49: spell casting combat
  25. 4a: WTF
  26. 4c: cheer
  27. 80: I key on laptop
  28. 81: drink potion
  29. 82: drink potion
  30. 83: tilt torso left for a sec
  31. 84: *point*
  32. 86: *shrug*
  33. 87: wave
  34. 88: *akimbo*
  35. 89: hearty laugh thing (*lol*?)
  36. 8a: hand across chest (*salute*?)
  37. 8B: scratch head
  38. 8C: smack head
  39. 8d: tap foot
  40. 8e: wave high
  41. 8f: wave vertically..?
  42. 90: *yawn*
  43. 91: dodge or something
  44. 92: swearing
  45. 93: *plead*
  46. 94: read scroll
  47. 95: bah motion thing (*dismiss*?)
  48. 96: stare dumbfoundedly
  49. 97: knock door down with head (australian for locksmith)
  50. 98: *surrender*
  51. 99: bandaging
  52. 9a: breathe heavy thing
  53. 9b: YMCA!
  54. a0: bubbly invisible
  55. a1: bubbly visible
  56. fX: copies of other ones... but perm for emotes
  57. f0: *point*, perm