TreasureGen Class Reference

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

void GenerateCorpseTreasure (cCorpse *Corpse, cMonster *Mob, cClient *pcClient)
void GenerateChestTreasure (cChest *Chest, cClient *pcClient)
Player Inventory Item Creation Functions

Functions to create items in avatars' inventory.

*who - A pointer to the client object.
ItemModelID - The item model ID of the item to create.

Author: Cubem0j0

void CreateAmmo (cClient *who, DWORD ItemModelID)
void CreateArmor (cClient *who, DWORD ItemModelID)
void CreateBook (cClient *who, DWORD ItemModelID, DWORD GUID)
void CreateClothes (cClient *who, DWORD ItemModelID)
void CreateFoci (cClient *who, DWORD ItemModelID)
void CreateFood (cClient *who, DWORD ItemModelID, DWORD GUID)
void CreateGem (cClient *who, DWORD ItemModelID, DWORD GUID)
void CreateHealingKit (cClient *who, DWORD ItemModelID)
void CreateJewelry (cClient *who, DWORD ItemModelID)
void CreateLockpicks (cClient *who, DWORD ItemModelID)
void CreateManastone (cClient *who, DWORD ItemModelID)
void CreateMisc (cClient *who, DWORD ItemModelID)
void CreatePack (cClient *who, DWORD ItemModelID)
void CreatePlants (cClient *who, DWORD ItemModelID)
void CreatePyreals (cClient *who, DWORD ItemModelID, DWORD Value, WORD Stack)
void CreateSalvage (cClient *who, DWORD ItemModelID)
void CreateScrolls (cClient *who, DWORD ItemModelID)
void CreateShield (cClient *who, DWORD ItemModelID)
void CreateSpellComponents (cClient *who, DWORD ItemModelID, DWORD GUID)
void CreateTradeNotes (cClient *who, DWORD ItemModelID)
void CreateTradeSkillMats (cClient *who, DWORD ItemModelID)
void CreateWand (cClient *who, DWORD ItemModelID, DWORD GUID)
void CreateWeapon (cClient *who, DWORD ItemModelID, DWORD GUID, DWORD fEquipped)
Landblock Item Creation Functions

Functions to create items at landblock locations.

Loc - The location to spawn the object (i.e. m_pcAvatar->m_Location OR m_NPC->m_Location).
ItemModelID - The item model ID of the item to create.

Author: Cubem0j0

void CreateAmmo (cLocation Loc, DWORD ItemModelID)
void CreateArmor (cLocation Loc, DWORD ItemModelID)
void CreateBook (cLocation Loc, DWORD ItemModelID)
void CreateClothes (cLocation Loc, DWORD ItemModelID)
void CreateFoci (cLocation Loc, DWORD ItemModelID)
void CreateFood (cLocation Loc, DWORD ItemModelID)
void CreateGem (cLocation Loc, DWORD ItemModelID)
void CreateHealingKit (cLocation Loc, DWORD ItemModelID)
void CreateJewelry (cLocation Loc, DWORD ItemModelID)
void CreateLockpicks (cLocation Loc, DWORD ItemModelID)
void CreateManastone (cLocation Loc, DWORD ItemModelID)
void CreateMisc (cLocation Loc, DWORD ItemModelID)
void CreatePack (cLocation Loc, DWORD ItemModelID)
void CreatePlants (cLocation Loc, DWORD ItemModelID)
void CreatePyreals (cLocation Loc, DWORD ItemModelID, DWORD Value, WORD Stack)
void CreateSalvage (cLocation Loc, DWORD ItemModelID)
void CreateScrolls (cLocation Loc, DWORD ItemModelID)
void CreateShield (cLocation Loc, DWORD ItemModelID)
void CreateSpellComponents (cLocation Loc, DWORD ItemModelID)
void CreateTradeNotes (cLocation Loc, DWORD ItemModelID)
void CreateTradeSkillMats (cLocation Loc, DWORD ItemModelID)
void CreateWand (cLocation Loc, DWORD ItemModelID)
void CreateWeapon (cLocation Loc, DWORD ItemModelID)
NPC Inventory Item Creation Functions

Functions to create items in NPCs' inventory.

*pcObj - A pointer to the NPC object.
ItemModelID - The item model ID of the item to create.

Author: Cubem0j0

void CreateAmmo (cNPC *pcObj, DWORD ItemModelID)
void CreateArmor (cNPC *pcObj, DWORD ItemModelID)
void CreateBook (cNPC *pcObj, DWORD ItemModelID)
void CreateClothes (cNPC *pcObj, DWORD ItemModelID)
void CreateFoci (cNPC *pcObj, DWORD ItemModelID)
void CreateFood (cNPC *pcObj, DWORD ItemModelID)
void CreateGem (cNPC *pcObj, DWORD ItemModelID)
void CreateHealingKit (cNPC *pcObj, DWORD ItemModelID)
void CreateJewelry (cNPC *pcObj, DWORD ItemModelID)
void CreateLockpicks (cNPC *pcObj, DWORD ItemModelID)
void CreateManastone (cNPC *pcObj, DWORD ItemModelID)
void CreateMisc (cNPC *pcObj, DWORD ItemModelID)
void CreatePack (cNPC *pcObj, DWORD ItemModelID)
void CreatePlants (cNPC *pcObj, DWORD ItemModelID)
void CreatePyreals (cNPC *pcObj, DWORD ItemModelID, DWORD Value, WORD Stack)
void CreateSalvage (cNPC *pcObj, DWORD ItemModelID)
void CreateScrolls (cNPC *pcObj, DWORD ItemModelID)
void CreateShield (cNPC *pcObj, DWORD ItemModelID)
void CreateSpellComponents (cNPC *pcObj, DWORD ItemModelID)
void CreateTradeNotes (cNPC *pcObj, DWORD ItemModelID)
void CreateTradeSkillMats (cNPC *pcObj, DWORD ItemModelID)
void CreateWand (cNPC *pcObj, DWORD ItemModelID)
void CreateWeapon (cNPC *pcObj, DWORD ItemModelID)
Corpse Inventory Item Creation Functions

Functions to create items in corpses' inventory.

*pcObj - A pointer to the corpse object.
ItemModelID - The item model ID of the item to create.

Author: Cubem0j0

void CreateAmmo (cCorpse *pcObj, DWORD ItemModelID)
void CreateArmor (cCorpse *pcObj, DWORD ItemModelID)
void CreateBook (cCorpse *pcObj, DWORD ItemModelID)
void CreateClothes (cCorpse *pcObj, DWORD ItemModelID)
void CreateFoci (cCorpse *pcObj, DWORD ItemModelID)
void CreateFood (cCorpse *pcObj, DWORD ItemModelID)
void CreateGem (cCorpse *pcObj, DWORD ItemModelID)
void CreateHealingKit (cCorpse *pcObj, DWORD ItemModelID)
void CreateJewelry (cCorpse *pcObj, DWORD ItemModelID)
void CreateLockpicks (cCorpse *pcObj, DWORD ItemModelID)
void CreateManastone (cCorpse *pcObj, DWORD ItemModelID)
void CreateMisc (cCorpse *pcObj, DWORD ItemModelID)
void CreatePack (cCorpse *pcObj, DWORD ItemModelID)
void CreatePlants (cCorpse *pcObj, DWORD ItemModelID)
void CreatePyreals (cCorpse *pcObj, DWORD ItemModelID, DWORD Value, WORD Stack)
void CreateSalvage (cCorpse *pcObj, DWORD ItemModelID)
void CreateScrolls (cCorpse *pcObj, DWORD ItemModelID)
void CreateShield (cCorpse *pcObj, DWORD ItemModelID)
void CreateSpellComponents (cCorpse *pcObj, DWORD ItemModelID)
void CreateTradeNotes (cCorpse *pcObj, DWORD ItemModelID)
void CreateTradeSkillMats (cCorpse *pcObj, DWORD ItemModelID)
void CreateWand (cCorpse *pcObj, DWORD ItemModelID)
void CreateWeapon (cCorpse *pcObj, DWORD ItemModelID)

Public Attributes

DWORD mob_lvl
int t_lvl
float workmanship
int value
int burden

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