cClient Member List

This is the complete list of members for cClient, including all inherited members.
AddPacket(SERVER eServer, BYTE *pbData, WORD wSize, WORD wGroup) (defined in cClient)cClient [inline]
AddPacket(SERVER eServer, cMessage &cmPacket, WORD wGroup) (defined in cClient)cClient [inline]
cAbiotic (defined in cClient)cClient [friend]
cAllegiance (defined in cClient)cClient [friend]
cAltar (defined in cClient)cClient [friend]
cAmmo (defined in cClient)cClient [friend]
cArmor (defined in cClient)cClient [friend]
cAvatar (defined in cClient)cClient [friend]
cBooks (defined in cClient)cClient [friend]
cChest (defined in cClient)cClient [friend]
cClient(SOCKADDR_IN &saSockAddr, BOOL fAddToHash=TRUE) (defined in cClient)cClient [inline]
cClient() (defined in cClient)cClient [inline]
cClothes (defined in cClient)cClient [friend]
cCommandParser (defined in cClient)cClient [friend]
cCompCon (defined in cClient)cClient [friend]
cCorpse (defined in cClient)cClient [friend]
cCovenant (defined in cClient)cClient [friend]
cDoor (defined in cClient)cClient [friend]
cEnchantment (defined in cClient)cClient [friend]
cFellowship (defined in cClient)cClient [friend]
cFoci (defined in cClient)cClient [friend]
cFood (defined in cClient)cClient [friend]
cFoodContainer (defined in cClient)cClient [friend]
cGems (defined in cClient)cClient [friend]
cHealingCon (defined in cClient)cClient [friend]
cHealingKits (defined in cClient)cClient [friend]
cHooks (defined in cClient)cClient [friend]
cHouse (defined in cClient)cClient [friend]
cJewelry (defined in cClient)cClient [friend]
cLifestone (defined in cClient)cClient [friend]
cLockpicks (defined in cClient)cClient [friend]
cManaStones (defined in cClient)cClient [friend]
cMasterServer (defined in cClient)cClient [friend]
cMerchantSign (defined in cClient)cClient [friend]
cMisc (defined in cClient)cClient [friend]
cMonster (defined in cClient)cClient [friend]
cMonsterServer (defined in cClient)cClient [friend]
cNPC (defined in cClient)cClient [friend]
cObject (defined in cClient)cClient [friend]
cPack (defined in cClient)cClient [friend]
cPets (defined in cClient)cClient [friend]
cPlants (defined in cClient)cClient [friend]
cPortal (defined in cClient)cClient [friend]
cPyreals (defined in cClient)cClient [friend]
cSalvage (defined in cClient)cClient [friend]
cScrolls (defined in cClient)cClient [friend]
cShield (defined in cClient)cClient [friend]
cSpellComps (defined in cClient)cClient [friend]
cStorage (defined in cClient)cClient [friend]
cTradeNotes (defined in cClient)cClient [friend]
cTradeSkillMats (defined in cClient)cClient [friend]
cWandCon (defined in cClient)cClient [friend]
cWands (defined in cClient)cClient [friend]
cWarSpell (defined in cClient)cClient [friend]
cWeapon (defined in cClient)cClient [friend]
cWorldManager (defined in cClient)cClient [friend]
cWorldObject (defined in cClient)cClient [friend]
FindAvatar(DWORD dwGUID)cClient [static]
FindAvatar(char *szName)cClient [static]
FindClient(DWORD dwGUID)cClient [static]
FindClient(char *szName)cClient [static]
Hash_Erase()cClient [static]
Hash_Load() (defined in cClient)cClient [inline, static]
Hash_New(SOCKADDR_IN &saSockAddr) (defined in cClient)cClient [inline, static]
Hash_Remove(cClient *pcClient)cClient [static]
m_pcNext (defined in cClient)cClient
m_pcPrev (defined in cClient)cClient
m_saSockAddr (defined in cClient)cClient
ProcessPacket_CS(cRecvPacket *pcRecvPacket)cClient
ProcessPacket_WS(cRecvPacket *pcRecvPacket)cClient
SendOffAllPackets() (defined in cClient)cClient [inline, static]
SendQueuedPackets() (defined in cClient)cClient [inline]
SendToAllClients(cMessage &cmData, WORD wGroup) (defined in cClient)cClient [inline, static]
SendToAllClients(BYTE *pbData, WORD wSize, WORD wGroup) (defined in cClient)cClient [inline, static]
SendToAllOtherClients(cClient *pcClientOrg, BYTE *pbData, WORD wSize, WORD wGroup) (defined in cClient)cClient [inline, static]
SendToAllOtherClients(cClient *pcClientOrg, cMessage &cmData, WORD wGroup) (defined in cClient)cClient [inline, static]
SimpleAI (defined in cClient)cClient [friend]
TreasureGen (defined in cClient)cClient [friend]
~cClient() (defined in cClient)cClient [inline]

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