cFood Class Reference

Inheritance diagram for cFood:

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 cFood (DWORD dwGUID, cLocation &Loc, DWORD dwModel, DWORD dwIcon, std::string strName, std::string strDescription, DWORD dwValue, WORD wBurden, DWORD dwVitalID, DWORD dwAmount)
 cFood (DWORD dwGUID, DWORD dwContainer, DWORD dwModel, DWORD dwIcon, std::string strName, std::string strDescription, DWORD dwValue, WORD wStack, WORD wBurden, DWORD dwVitalID, DWORD dwVitalAffect)
cMessage CreatePacket ()
cMessage CreatePacketContainer (DWORD Container, DWORD ItemModelID)
cMessage Animation (WORD wAnim, float flPlaySpeed)
void Assess (cClient *pcAssesser)
void Action (cClient *who)
DWORD GetItemModelID ()
DWORD GetContainerID ()

Public Attributes

DWORD m_dwItemModelID

Protected Attributes

DWORD m_dwValue
WORD m_wBurden
DWORD m_dwVitalID
WORD m_wStack
DWORD m_dwVitalAffect
std::string m_strDescription

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

cFood::cFood ( DWORD  dwGUID,
cLocation Loc,
DWORD  dwModel,
DWORD  dwIcon,
std::string  strName,
std::string  strDescription,
DWORD  dwValue,
WORD  wBurden,
DWORD  dwVitalID,
DWORD  dwAmount 
) [inline]

A constructor.

Called whenever a food object is initialized in the world.

cFood::cFood ( DWORD  dwGUID,
DWORD  dwContainer,
DWORD  dwModel,
DWORD  dwIcon,
std::string  strName,
std::string  strDescription,
DWORD  dwValue,
WORD  wStack,
WORD  wBurden,
DWORD  dwVitalID,
DWORD  dwVitalAffect 
) [inline]

A constructor.

Called whenever a food object is initialized in a container.

Member Function Documentation

void cFood::Action ( cClient who  )  [virtual]

Handles the actions of food objects.

This function is called whenever food is used or should perform an action.

Implements cObject.

void cFood::Assess ( cClient pcAssesser  )  [virtual]

Handles the assessment of food objects.

This function is called whenever food is assessed by a client.

Returns a Game Event (0x0000F7B0) server message of type Identify Object (0x000000C9).

Reimplemented from cObject.

cMessage cFood::CreatePacket (  )  [virtual]

Handles the message sent for the creation of food in the world.

This function is called whenever food should be created in the world for a client.

cMessage - Returns a Create Object (0x0000F745) server message.

Implements cObject.

cMessage cFood::CreatePacketContainer ( DWORD  Container,
DWORD  ItemModelID 

Handles the message sent for the creation of food in a container.

This function is called whenever food should be created in the inventory of another object.

cMessage - Returns a Create Object (0x0000F745) server message.

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