cMonster Class Reference

Inheritance diagram for cMonster:

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 cMonster (DWORD dwGUID, DWORD dwMonsterID, cLocation *pcLoc, char *szName, char *szDesc, cMonStats *pcmsStats, DWORD dwRespawn, DWORD dwDecay, DWORD dwChase, DWORD dwInfluence, DWORD dwExp_Value, DWORD dwHealth, DWORD dwStamina, DWORD dwMana)
void Assess (cClient *pcAssesser)
void Action (cClient *who)
void Attack (cClient *who, float flDamageSlider, DWORD F7B0Sequence)
void SpellAttack (cClient *who, cWarSpell *pcWarSpell, DWORD F7B0Sequence)
cMessage CreatePacket ()
cMessage Animation (WORD wAnim, float flPlaySpeed=1.0f)
cMessage DoDamageMessage (DWORD F7B0seq, std::string target, DWORD damagetype, double severity, DWORD amount)
cMessage RecieveDamageMessage (DWORD F7B0seq, std::string giver, DWORD damagetype, double severity, DWORD amount, DWORD location)
cMessage DecrementHealth (DWORD dwGUID, WORD amount, signed int &newhealth)
cMessage SetHealth (DWORD dwNewHealth)
cMessage AdjustBar (DWORD dwGUID, DWORD F7B0Sequence)
cMessage ChangeCombatMode (bool fMode)
cMessage CombatAnimation (DWORD dwTarget, WORD wAttackAnim)
cMessage TurnToTarget (float flHeading, DWORD dwTargetGUID)
cMessage MoveToTarget (cClient *pcWho)
cMessage MoveTarget (cClient *pcWho)
cMessage ReturnToSpawn ()
void ReSpawn (cObject *pcObject)
void RemoveMonster (cObject *pcObject)
void MonsterCorpse ()
cMessage SetPosition ()
DWORD GetMonsterModelID ()
WORD GetTotalHealth ()

Static Public Member Functions

static int DeathAnimation (LPVOID wp, LPVOID lp)

Public Attributes

DWORD m_dwMonsterModelID
WORD m_wNumMovements
WORD m_wNumAnimInteracts
WORD m_wNumBubbleModes
WORD m_wNumJumps
WORD m_wNumPortals
WORD m_wAnimCount
WORD m_wNumOverrides
WORD m_wNumLogins
DWORD m_dwLevel
DWORD m_dwCurrenthealth
DWORD m_dwMaxHealth
DWORD m_dwStr
DWORD m_dwEnd
DWORD m_dwQuick
DWORD m_dwCoord
DWORD m_dwFocus
DWORD m_dwSelf
DWORD m_dwCurrentStamina
DWORD m_dwCurrentMana
DWORD m_dwMaxStamina
DWORD m_dwMaxMana
DWORD m_dwSpecies
WORD m_wCurAnim
WORD m_wMeleeSequence
DWORD m_dwF7B0Sequence
BYTE m_bStatSequence
DWORD m_dwUnknownCount
BYTE m_bInitialAnimation [200]
BYTE m_bCombatMode
cLocation m_TargetLocation
int m_iPosUpdateCount
bool m_fHasTarget
DWORD m_dwTargetGUID


class cClient
class SimpleAI

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

cMonster::cMonster ( DWORD  dwGUID,
DWORD  dwModelID,
cLocation pcLoc,
char *  szName,
char *  szDesc,
cMonStats pcmsStats,
DWORD  dwRespawn,
DWORD  dwDecay,
DWORD  dwChase,
DWORD  dwInfluence,
DWORD  dwExp_Value,
DWORD  dwHealth,
DWORD  dwStamina,
DWORD  dwMana 

A constructor.

Called whenever a monster object is initialized.

Handles the creation of monsters.

Called whenever a monster object should be initialized.

cMessage - Returns a Create Object (0x0000F745) server message.

Member Function Documentation

void cMonster::Action ( cClient who  )  [virtual]

Handles the actions of monster objects.

This member function is called whenever a monster should perform an action.

Implements cObject.

cMessage cMonster::AdjustBar ( DWORD  dwGUID,
DWORD  F7B0Sequence 
) [virtual]

Handles the message sent for the setting of creatures' health bars.

This member function is called when a monster's health should be altered for a client.

cMessage - Returns a Game Event (0x0000F7B0) server message of type Update Health (0x000001C0).

Reimplemented from cObject.

void cMonster::Assess ( cClient pcAssesser  )  [virtual]

Handles the assessment of monster objects.

This member function is called whenever a monster is assessed by a client. Returns a Game Event (0x0000F7B0) server message of type Identify Object (0x000000C9).

Reimplemented from cObject.

void cMonster::Attack ( cClient who,
float  flDamageSlider,
DWORD  F7B0Sequence 
) [virtual]

Handles functionality for when monster objects are physically attacked.

This member function is called whenever a monster is physically attacked.

*who - A pointer to the client physically attacking the monster.
flDamageSlider - The value of the client's damage slider. F7B0 Sequence - The given client's F7B0 sequence number.

Reimplemented from cObject.

cMessage cMonster::CreatePacket (  )  [virtual]

Handles the message sent for the creation of monsters.

This member function is called whenever a monster should be created for a client.

cMessage - Returns a Create Object (0x0000F745) server message.

Implements cObject.

int cMonster::DeathAnimation ( LPVOID  wp,
) [static]

Handles the death animation for a killed monster.

cMessage cMonster::DecrementHealth ( DWORD  dwGUID,
WORD  amount,
signed int &  newhealth 

Handles the message sent for the updating of creatures' health bars.

This member function is called whenever a monster's health should be updated for a client.

cMessage - Returns a Game Event (0x0000F7B0) server message of type Update Health (0x000001C0).
cMessage cMonster::DoDamageMessage ( DWORD  F7B0seq,
std::string  target,
DWORD  damagetype,
double  severity,
DWORD  amount 

Handles the message sent for clients' melee attacking of monsters.

This member function is called whenever a client physically attacks a monster.

cMessage - Returns a Game Event (0x0000F7B0) server message of type Inflict Melee damage (0x000001B1).
cMessage cMonster::RecieveDamageMessage ( DWORD  F7B0seq,
std::string  giver,
DWORD  damagetype,
double  severity,
DWORD  amount,
DWORD  location 

Handles the message sent for the melee attacking of clients by monsters.

This member function is called whenever a client is physically attacked by a monster.

cMessage - Returns a Game Event (0x0000F7B0) server message of type Receieve Melee damage (0x000001B2).
void cMonster::ReSpawn ( cObject pcObject  )  [virtual]

Handles the respawning of monster objects .

This member function is called whenever a monster should be respawned.

*pcObject - A pointer to the monster object to be respawned.

Reimplemented from cObject.

void cMonster::SpellAttack ( cClient who,
cWarSpell pcWarSpell,
DWORD  F7B0Sequence 

Handles functionality for when spells are cast on monster objects.

This member function is called whenever a spell is cast on a monster.

*who - A pointer to the client who cast the spell.
*pcWarSpell - A pointer to the war spell cast by the client.
F7B0Sequence - The given client's F7B0 sequence number.

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